What is a Sight Flow Indicator? What are the types of Sight Flow Indicators?
What is Sight Flow Indictor? The Sight Flow Indicator is a mechanism that allows you to view the fluid/liquid flow direction and force inside a vessel. For process operators in the industrial sector, the flow direction and flow force of the fluid/liquid are crucial, and this is where a Sight Flow Indicator comes in helpful. The Sight Flow Indicator is a system that allows you to track and comprehend the flow direction and force of fluids/liquids in any phase. It is extensively used in the pipe sector. The Sight Flow Indicator is simple to operate and may be utilised in a wide range of systems, including boilers, tankers, and more. The sight flow indicator tube is composed of borosilicate or soda lime glass, providing a clear vision. Sight Flow Indicators have temperature tolerance, abrasion resistance, and exceptional strength. Noble Glassworks, an excellent and popular Glass flow indicator manufacturer , has identified five different types of sight flow indicators: 1. ...